Monday, September 19, 2011

Video: Dvolver

Characters: I rated the characters a 3 out 5. I did not like that they were animals and weird looking things. I think that the more weird looking these characters are the more focus get taken away from what they are actually saying.I wish they would have had more options for the characters.The more weird the characters are the worse I think they the information would get out. Although some people would find it funny and maybe like it more.I find it really annoying and not a really good learning environment. I personally would rather be able to learn than be distracted with all the other things on the video. I think they would like and understand it more with less distracting things and characters. The characters on the website are freaky in my opinion. A lot of them are aliens and animals...I mean there is a character that looks like Fabio( That's kinda cool actually). Anywho I liked the characters on GoAnimate more than I do.

Background: I gave background a 2 out of 5. I really did not like the options given to us. I think they could have added more with better quality. I did however like the option of putting in the sky and extra. Although I did NOT like the actual backgrounds. None of them seemed like a place were two or three kids would hang out and try to teach other kids.They seem more like a place adults would hang out or  a place were there is a celebration going on. They are 1) Not adults 2)They are not celebrating anything 3)They are learning. They are learning what the design cycle is. They are not celebrating a win,a holiday.Nothing.They are learning.

Text: I gave text a 5 out of 5. I honestly can't critic the text. Text is text for me. As long as the words get out im fine. Though on GoAnimate you could pick what type of tex bubbler you wanted. I also wished you could chose whether or not to have a text bubble or a thought bubble.

Simplicity: I rated it a 4 out of 5. the reason I rated it a 4 was because I found it super easy. The quality of the finishing product is not that good. I wish it would be more challenging actually and having to make me learn how to create and stuff. I wish I could be challenged. 

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